Environmental Policy

The company recognises that effective management of our environment makes good business sense, aswell as commonsense for all of us.
For example, we pick up and drop off as many staff as we can in one go each day -good for our costs and good for reducing carbon emissions.

Our policy is to:
1. Ensure compliance with all applicable legal and other requirements which relate to its environmental aspects.
2. Promote environmental awareness and commitment to the policy amongst all employees through available training, and to encourage suppliers and subcontractors to apply sound environmental principles.
3. Avoid the wastage of materials, water and energy by being mindful of their use.
4. Always seek to use, wherever possible, materials from renewable sources and recycled or recyclable materials.
5. Prevent pollution and minimise environmental disturbance from our activities.
6. Apply continual improvement by reviewing the environmental aspects of our activities and then by setting appropriate targets and objectives for improving performance.
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